Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
Check what we can offer in these fields
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
Check what we can offer in these fields
📑 Paper from the group of Prof. Dewulf on insect mediated transmission
22 Jan 2025
🪰🪲Flies and beetles-mediated transmission of pathogens in domestic pigs: a systematic review 🐖
The presence of flies and beetles in pig farms is common and raises concerns about their potential role in pathogen transmission. These concerns become even more significant when live insect larvae are used as animal feed.
👓 The full text can be found on: https://brill.com/view/journals/jiff/aop/article-10.1163-23524588-00001415/article-10.1163-23524588-00001415.xml