Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
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Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
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Collaboration with ILVO and Inagro
30 Jan 2023
Nice example of how our Laboratory of Parasitology @Ghent University has a positive impact on society!
Proud to announce that the project entitled "Implement and validate a non-invasive decision support tool for sustainable worm control in young cattle (Wormtool)" has been approved by VLAIO for funding!
Budget: € 727.527
Period: May 1st 2023 – April 30th 2027
Through our collaboration with ILVO and Inagro we promote the sustainable use of anthelmintics, in order to slow down the development and dispersion of anthelmintic resistance and to reduce environmental contamination with anthelmintic residues.
To enable a more rational use of anthelmintics, we develop decision support tools and determine diagnostics thresholds for (subclinical) parasite infections that impact animal productivity. Using these diagnostic thresholds and decision support tools, we aim to replace indiscriminate preventive use of anthelmintics by targeted treatment (on herd level) or targeted selective treatment (individual animals).
Envolved provaxs member: Prof. Dr. Edwin Claerebout!