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Paper made possible thanks to our provaxs member Prof. dr. Dominiek Maes!

14 Jun 2023

Follow-Up of PRRSv-Vaccinated Piglets Born from PRRSv-Vaccinated, ELISA-Seropositive and ELISA-Seronegative Sows 🐖 💉

Vaccination against the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) is

widely used to prevent production losses in the swine industry. In this study, piglets born from both.PRRSv-vaccinated ELISA-seropositive sows (E+ piglets) and PRRSv-vaccinated ELISA-seronegative sows (E􀀀 piglets) were followed-up pre-vaccination, 3 weeks post-vaccination (wpv) and 8 wpv in two Belgian farrow-to-finish herds. The aim of the study was to analyze the presence of PRRSv-specific maternally-derived antibodies (MDAs) and the PRRSv vaccine response in both groups of piglets.

Read about all the details of the study design and discussion!

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