Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Looking for an academic partner for your discovery projects?
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
Check what we can offer in these fields
Ghent University offers a unique proposal: the collaboration between veterinarians, physicians and scientists from different disciplines present at Ghent University takes the research to a higher level and creates many opportunities for innovation. At our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine these innovations can be tested in our own facilities and on the target species.
Check what we can offer in these fields
Data and AI

Data mining and machine learning (ML) techniques for data processing of images, video, sensor
Anomaly detection to detect abnormal sensor values (also applicable for predictive maintenance of sensors)
Automated animal/activity classification in images or videos.
Platform design for scalable and secured data mining applications.
Internet of things and wireless networking
Selection of the most appropriate wireless technology and communications/data standards.
Adaptation of wireless networking technologies to work optimally when only occasional data connections are available.
Indoor localization/tracking.
Trade-off analysis between accuracy vs energy consumption for on-chip vs cloud processing.
Semantic intelligence
High-speed circuit design for optical and wireless communications and electromagnetics systems analysis
Reduction of the ML complexity to execute the models on embedded devices.
Mathematical and computational modelling
Epidemiology of viral outbreaks
Design of ML models for animal activity classification (e.g. running)
Design of ML models for anomaly detection (e.g. foaling)
Transfer learning to apply existing ML models to other (types of) animals.